Sunday, January 13, 2013

I Love This Princess!

This is what happens when you leave your phone on the table and your princess discovers how to reverse the camera and take pictures of herself. I have about 30 more just like these. She brightens my days!

A Princess and her glasses!!

The Princess recently went with her Dad to work. It was a fun day! She was meet a friend for a play date but had to hang with dad at work for a couple of hours. She thought that was great!! She had an exam and discovered that she needed glasses. She picked a cute pair all on her own.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today was Crazy Hat Day

She was so excited to get to school
and show off her creation.

All dolled up...

Asia and Aria loved playing with the blocks...

Our Kingdom doubled in size for a week...

We were so lucky to have Aunt Mallory's little Princesses
stay with us!!

Getting all of the Little Princesses to look at the camera
at the same time is not easy...